Board of Directors | More info
The direction and administration of the association will be exercised by the President, the Board of Directors and the General Assembly. The Xunta Directive, specifically, will have, among others, the following powers:
- Schedule and direct associative activities. Proposing the action plan of the association to the General Assembly for its approval, promoting and directing it.
- Carry out the administrative and economic management of the association. Submitting to the approval of the General Assembly the annual budget, as well as the statement of accounts.
- Appoint the work commissions or sections that are considered appropriate for the proper functioning of the association.
- To dictate internal organization norms and resolve the applications for new members to join.
UNITEC | More info
The association will be managed by this area under the administrative-financial direction of the Manager who, at the same time, will execute the agreements of the Xunta Directive and will act according to criteria of efficiency and professionalism. Under its hierarchical dependency, the personnel is ordered, being responsible for the work of the organization.
In addition, it will be the team that is in charge of the technical development of all the services and activities of the Association, under the direction and control of management, always following the adaptation to the associative purposes and the impulse, in general, of the association.

Juanjo De la Cerda

Roberto Alonso
Cluster Manager

Inés Hermida
Financial Administrative Manager

Antía Pedrosa
Administration Technique

M. Carmen Vilariño
Administration Technique

Ana Felgueiras
European Programs Manager

Xosé Ramón Vázquez
R&D and Innovation Business Development Manager

Noelia Dosil
Area Manager - innovation, digital transformation and entrepreneurship

Helena Jamardo
Project Manager - innovation, digital transformation and entrepreneurship

Area Manager - Sustainability and Circular Economy

Fátima Pin
Project Manager - Markets, Internationalisation and Competitiveness
Sustainability and Circular Economy Commission | More info
The Sustainability Commission of the Food Cluster of Galicia is an internal body of an informative and consultative nature that is created to promote environmental sustainability and the circular economy, as set out in axis two of the current strategic plan
The following functions are assigned to this Commission:
Organize information and training activities for Clusaga partners on all issues related to environmental sustainability and the circular economy.
Support the implementation of collaborative projects aimed at improving environmental sustainability and adaptation to a circular economy.
Disseminate best practices of Cluster members in these areas.
Innovation and R&D Commission | More info
The Innovation and R&D Commission of the Galicia Food Cluster is an internal body of an informative and consultative nature that was created to promote, dynamize and coordinate initiatives and projects for the benefit of collaborative innovation in the Galician food sector.
This Commission has the following functions:
- Establish work dynamics that promote and facilitate the involvement of new ecosystem agents in innovation activities
- Ensure the correct functioning of the innovation working groups available in the Galicia Food Cluster
- Channel ideas for collaborative R&D&i projects
- Promote and participate in activities that give visibility to Clusaga, the activity of the Innovation Commission and the Galician food sector
- Act as a representative element of Clusaga (therefore, of the food sector) before administrations with competences in innovation, in a coordinated manner with the Manager and the Board of Directors
Committee on Markets and Internationalization | More info
The Market and Internationalization Commission is a governing body that is in charge of establishing the priorities of the Galician Food Cluster in the field of marketing. The purpose of the commission is to approve the action plans related to markets and internationalization, as well as to analyze trends in the environment and advise on the action strategy and priority areas.
At the same time it is responsible for:
- Supervise, direct and define the priorities of the working groups to be established.
- Organize information and networking activities for Clusaga members on topics related to marketing.
- Support the implementation of collaborative projects aimed at facilitating access to markets.