IA40WASTE (Investigación industrial basada en inteligencia artificial para prevenir y predecir mermas en los procesos de la industria alimentaria) is a strategic project that aims to promote the efficiency of the production processes of the food industry by reducing production losses in the industrial stage. It is done through research into the intensive use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies and digital solutions, which will monitor all those factors that affect the efficiency of the different stages of the production process.
This initiative receives funding from the 2023 call for the support program for Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras (AEI) of Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo and is coordinated by the Galician Food Cluster (Clusaga).
The project is based on the massive application of AI technologies (mainly Machine Learning) for the analysis of causes and generation of new scenarios of maximum productive efficiency to reduce waste in the food industry, whose effective implementation in the sector will be reflected through a new friendly operations platform for any food operator.
The project consortium is made up of two technology companies (TripleAlpha Innovation, S.L and LOGICMELT TECHNOLOGIES, S.L.) and two food companies (Kiwi Atlántico, S.A and Pereira Productos del Mar, S.A.) and the Asociación para a Dixitalización da Industria de Galicia (DIHGIGAL). It also has the company Alia Technologies, S.L. as a collaborator.