The INTERTECH 4.0 project “Intersectoral platform for 4.0 solutions and incubator for digitization projects. Phases I and II” aims to materialize the interaction between industrialists around an intersectoral platform to promote the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, as well as the implementation of R&D&I actions linked to it.
This initiative favors transversal technology transfer in the manufacturing industry, promoting the supply-demand connection and the generation of tractor projects in Galicia that promotes the implementation of digitization and Industry 4.0.
INTERTECH 4.0 is a strategic and intersectoral project implement by the Galicia Food Cluster (Clusaga), Aclunaga (Asociación Clúster del Naval Gallego), CEAGA (Clúster de Empresas de Automoción de Galicia), Clúster TIC, DIHGIGAL (Asociación para la Digitalización de la Industria de Galicia) and the SMEs Pisa – Proyectos de Innovación and TripleAlpha in its Phase I. Phase II involves Selmark, CEAGA, Imatia, Inova, DIHGIGAL and Clusaga.This initiative receives funding from the 2021B call for the support program for Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras (AEI) of the Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo.
INTERTECH 4.0 objectives
- Constitute a totally innovative and transgressive intelligent and cooperative space for the region capable of connecting technological supply and demand.
- Identify and generate new collaboration opportunities for the traction of the main economic sectors towards a cutting-edge technological environment.