Advanced Solutions for Healthy Aging through Nutrition (Nutriage) project has work on the generation of advanced solutions in research and innovation, oriented to the demand of new adapted products, to improve the quality of life of the elderly in the Atlantic region (Galicia - Northern Portugal).
Objective of the Nutriage project
The objective of the Nutriage project is to ensure healthy aging through the evaluation, study and design of personalized nutritional strategies, based on traditional Atlantic food, and the development of new food products. These should optimize the nutritional status of the elderly and prevent their functional and cognitive decline, generating capacities in R + D + i, which favor the improvement of the quality of life of the elderly from nutrition, reinforce sustainability and efficiency of the socio-sanitary system and encourage growth and the generation of new business opportunities for the agri-food industry.
Nutriage is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg Program V-A Spain - Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020.
Clusaga coordinated the actions undertaken in the framework of the identification, design and development of food for the elderly, in particular the production of the following publications (in spanish):