The Galician Food Cluster, with the aim of improving the positioning of Galician food products and wines in strategic markets, promotes the creation of joint promotion platforms at destination.
Following this line, it identified China, the world largest food consumption market, as the first market in its international development. In 2013, the cluster established GLC Food & Drink China S.L with the support of the IGAPE and participation of partner companies, which established the business unit operating in China: Shanghai Galicia Business Consulting Co. Ltd, the communication and cooperation platform between Galician companies and institutions, Chinese distributors and consumers with the following objectives:
- Developing the visibility of food products and wines of Galicia in the Cluster in China, positioning the Galicia brand in the Chinese market, extending its network of contacts with institutions and local media and organizing the participation in various joint promotional actions.
- Analysing the intelligence business information in the Chinese market for businesses.
- Supporting business throughout the development and consolidation of the market, increasing their presence and market reactivity, through the establishment and expansion of the business contact network.