Information and support service for innovation.
The incorporation of companies in the food sector to the innovation strategy is core strategy to guaranteeing their competitiveness.
Innpulsa is a support service for innovation in food companies in the broad sense. It covers several aspects, such as the generation of strategic information, the incorporation of key competencies to successfully carry out an innovation strategy and also support throughout the entire life cycle of a project.
In this way, the service aims to contribute to increasing the level of innovation of food SMEs, thus increasing their competitiveness.
Innpulsa is a service with two Modalities:
- Innpulsa (In)forma. Information and training on fundamental aspects for the company's R+D+i strategy. Having adapted information on trends, competitors, suppliers and opportunities, as well as having the necessary skills in the team, are key aspects for the success of an innovation strategy and, therefore, for the success of the business strategy.
- Innpulsa Proxecta. Personalized support throughout the entire life cycle of an innovation or digitization project. The identification of innovation needs and opportunities in a company, added to the support for the definition and execution of business projects will help to increase the level of innovation in the food sector.