Smart factory

Digital transformation and industry 4.0

strategic for the Galician food industry and its competitiveness.

With the objectives of improving productivity, optimizing processes and moving towards the factory of the future in the food industry, a measure to support digital transformation is defined within Clusaga’s strategic plan that includes the following actions:

  • Promotion of projects to facilitate the digital transformation of companies and to advance towards industry 4.0
  • Information and dissemination of tools, good practices and success stories on the digitization of the company, especially in SMEs
  • Identification and dissemination of financing opportunities for the digital transformation process of companies

The strategic objective is to accelerate the digital transformation of the Galician food sector.


  • Intertech 4.0

    Creation of an intersectoral platform for 4.0 solutions and incubator for digitization projects
  • SS4AF

    Smart Sensors 4 Agri-food.

    Strategic Industrial Digital Innovation Hub for Galicia.
  • S3FOOD

    Smart sensor systems for food safety, quality control and resource efficiency in the food processing industry.
  • Connsensys

    Connecting smart sensor systems for the food industry.
  • Industria 4.0

    Factory 4.0 pilot project for the food industry of the future in Galicia.